Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Rick and Reagan: Game On!

by Hobbert Ryde    

     Oh, man!

     Don't you love that new Rick Santorum song, "Game On!"?  If you haven't heard it yet, you've got to stop and listen to it right now!  I've got to say, it really rocks! 

     I'm going to write down those lyrics right here.


Game on!
Join the fight!
We finally got a man
Who will stand for what is right!

Game on!
Victory's in sight!
We've got a man who understands
That God gave The Bill of Rights . . .

Oh there is hope
For our nation again
Maybe the first time since we had Ronald Reagan

There will be justice for the unborn
Factories back on our shores
Where the Constitution rules our land.
Yes I believe Rick Santorum is our man!

Game on!
He's got the plan!
To lower taxes, raise morale,
With the power in our hands

Game on!
Changes ahead!
Faithful to his wife and seven kids
He'll be loyal to our land!

For there is hope
For our nation again
Maybe the first time since we had Ronald Reagan

There will be justice for the unborn
Factories back on our shores
Where the Constitution rules our land.
Yes I believe Rick Santorum is our man!

Oh, it's been crazy
What's been slipping through our hands
When we the people, still supposed to rule this land --
Rick understands!

So there is hope
For our nation again
Maybe the first time since we had Ronald Reagan

There will be justice for the unborn
Factories back on our shores
Where the Constitution rules our land.
Yes I believe Rick Santorum is our man!
Yes I believe Rick Santorum is our man!
Yes we believe Rick Santorum is our man!

Game on!

     I don't know how Ima Gine and I really missed it, but we hadn't heard about it until Lyz, Ima Gine's church friend, came over last Sunday.  She said, "Have you heard Rick Santorum's new song?"

     Ima Gine said no we hadn't, yet, and Lyz just laughed and raised her hands right there in our living room and looked at us and said, "It's anointed!  I'm telling you.  I think it's anointed!"

     Well, of course, you've got to know Lyz.  That's how they talk at her church.  She didn't really mean that she thought it was inspired or anything like that, exactly.  But she thought it was good, anyway.  (Later, she told us that at the end of their church service, right after their closing prayer, some of their Praise Team got right up there on the stage and played it!  It sort of tickled everybody, and I have to admit that I kind of wish I'd been there.)

     So I got busy and looked it up on You Tube, and there it was!

      It's great, isn't it?  I mean, all those kids dancing and singing, and even old guys like me joining in.  I felt good for a change.  It was just like old times, just like the song says.

     I hope Goofy over at Sycamore Three hears it.  I hope he notices that it mentions Ronald Reagan three times!

     (To be honest with you, I think Reagan is over-rated.  There he went through eight years of military build-up but kind of chickened-out at the last and started cutting deals with the Russians.  I mean, what's the world's greatest military for if you're not going to use it??  It took some real Bush men -- and I mean, father and son -- to have the courage to take all our enemies and just let them have it like they deserve.)

     And when Goofy's listening to the song, I hope he notices that it doesn't bother with R-n P--l and all his moaning about ending wars and ending the Fed and all of that stuff.  Which is a d--ned distraction, as far as I'm concerned.

     I'm telling you, I just hope he can see that we just need to get back on track with the Constitution and everything.

    Anyway, who cares what he thinks or anybody thinks.  I like the song!  I really do!

    "Game on!"  I haven't felt this good since Todd Beamer and George W. Bush said "Let's roll!" like they did on 9-11.

     I'll be honest with you, 9-11 really did something for me.  It was like we were finally going to stand up and give the rest of the world what they d--ned well deserved and have been asking for for a long time.

    I'm for the Constitution!  And I'm for giving it to the whole world.  With both barrels!

     Game on! 

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For fun, this was     

1 comment:

  1. walmartcastiron (made in china)March 22, 2012 at 9:07 AM

    Santorum and the Constitution! Yeah!
